Tuesday, August 18, 2020

August adventures

Our neighbors and good friends the Bangerter‘s invited us over for birthday parties and cake and ice cream. Isabell turned 16 and all the kids made homemade birthday cards. Cael’s card got the most laughs When he converted a Father’s Day card into a happy birthday card.

This hike had to of been the most sad of any that we’ve gone on when the group of toddlers we’re all stung by bees when we left the trail. To add insult to injury we weren’t even going the right way to find our sign and get a credit for the summer trails challenge. Different moms were handing off their babies that were in the packs. The toddlers that got stung by bees were screaming and crying and getting carried by their mothers, and the rest of us were just trudging along trying to make it out of there alive. It was A little better when we made it back to an elementary school playground and the bee stung kids forgot about their owies for a while.

The Platt and the Bangerter outing! On this day we went to a pick your own raspberry farm and after a good time of picking went home with over 7 pounds of berries. Brecon really was working hard to fill up his container while Brielle only lasted a little while with just a few in the bottom of hers. Even Cannon was more diligent in his picking/eating… I guess Brielle was a little distracted by a dog that was nearby that she wanted to pet.  

It has been warm enough to bring out the water and have a pool party Cannon invited his friends over and we got things set up for them. It was around 5 o’clock when the trumpet sounds for the end of the day and they lower the flag so the boys were sure to stand and show their patriotism

 This was our group of mamas on the hike for our Tuesday adventure it’s always a good time when we get together! 

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