Sunday, August 23, 2020

More August adventures

A group of us get together every Tuesday to try to tackle the Fairbanks summer trails challenge. There’s usually quite the crowd of moms and kids ranging from babies to teenagers. It is one of my favorite days of the week getting out and exploring the forest and trails around town.

It is also been so fun to check out the different mushrooms that are on the first floor. Cael has mentioned that my camera roll is full of mushrooms these days, I just think the fungi is so cute.
The car is stuck... While we were camping at Olnes pond we had a adventure in a broken down motorcycle and later a truck car that was stuck in a ditch of water. Different kids were driving around and the 12-year-old went reversing way too fast. Ben yelled slow down… Slow down… Slow down! But it was too late. It was great quite the endeavor trying to get the car unstuck and pulled out of the ditch. Lesson learned- don’t let a 12 year old (who looks like a 17 year old) drive your car.
The weather forecast predicted 75 and sunny all weekend, but surprised us with massive downpours Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. We really tried to be prepared and tried getting everything out of the rain before it got soaked. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.
Silly Brielle taking my phone!!
My little garden has been fun to eat the peas and colorful carrots ... today Cannon invited a friend over and they had a snack of fresh carrots from the garden.
 When you try a new recipe and are excited about being the first one to dig in, but your little brother beat you to it and cut his piece right from the middle… You might feel a little upset— Poor Brecon.

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