Just recently we got new countertops installed, and therefore we also needed to install a new sink and faucet and garbage disposal. As you can see my boys are hard at work making sure it gets done right!
Ben and Cael working on installing the new faucet. It was just one of those cute moments where Cael just had to be right there with Dad.
Our cute little bug and a borrowed puppy from Cael. We will see how small the puppy "shrinks" next to Brecon this year.
HE SMILES!!! The first month or so with Brecon was pretty rough. He was just a crying baby and I thought he was "broken" because Cael was so easy... anywho... he is doing better and even smiles for us. GOTTA LOVE IT!
ohh, I look tired here but that is just how it is with a new baby. I wanted to put this one up of me and Brecon to show that I do exsist ( you know what I mean?)
OH and here we are at the pool. I still can't believe I have two boys.. so this picture really proves to me that there they are. We were just enjoying the summer heat while we had it. It has been raining so much (even this labor day weekend) that we almost forgot what Texas summer was like. Cael really is swimming so well. He puts on his goggles (which are his favorite color) and dives under the water. If you look to the right you can see an "island" which Cael swims to all by himself from the edge where we are. He also learned to float and swim on his back, he sure looks cute paddling his little arms and kicking his legs!
So there it is... what we have been up to lately.