Friday, April 29, 2011


That almost sounds like a title to a children's book... but it is true. This happened a few days before we left on our Spring break trip while we were all playing out in the front yard. After finally deciding that Brecon no longer had need for his training wheels Ben took them off and away he went! It was quite a funny thing to listen to him make worried noises while he pedaled all the way down to the end of the street and back. Also the way he stopped by going onto the lawn and barely getting off in time before the bike tipped over to it's side. It sure was fun watching him go... my baby is growing up.
"Just keep pedaling fast"

One of my most favorite shots. Brecon sure loves his Daddy.
A victory toss in the air and you have yourselves a party for learning how to ride your bike! Way to go BRECON!!!

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