Sunday, March 4, 2012


FIRST of all-- I can finally breathe! It really has felt like I have been holding my breath while Ben was away. Secondly, as I am typing this it has been two weeks since Ben got home from Afghanistan. It was quite an experience to have him gone for 7 months, a rollercoaster of emotions, learning to work together as a "long distance" family, and holding it all together while being pregnant the entire time... I'm not going to lie, it wasn't easy or fun, but also at the same time life just kept on going by and we couldn't press pause just because Dad was away. The boys were such troopers, there were good days and not-so-good days, and on some nights when I was WAY too nauseous and exhausted to tuck them into bed, they were able to take care of one another. We had a routine during the week that kept us going, and also knowing ahead of time what to make for dinner was a huge burden that I usually didn't worry about ( and the boys always ate whatever was on the menu ) We worked together the best that we could, but can I just say how wonderful it is to have Ben home?!?

While the reunion didn't go exactly as I imagined it would (Connor asleep, Me not quite ready, camera shots a little too late, video not working at all, etc)  we are just so excited to have our WHOLE family together again!


Rachelle said...

Love this post!!!! You are truly an amazing woman for making it alone for 7 months. I'm so happy that you are all together again...we'll see you later tonight:)

Katie Goulding Sierer said...

This post made me cry. So happy that you are reunited as a family!

Jodi said...

Yeah Becky!!! I'm so excited for you guys. I'm so glad Ben is home too. What a relief! You are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. After this experience, there is nothing you can't accomplish in your life. You should be proud of yourself. I sure miss you Becky. I hope you are doing well. Call me when you get a chance. I miss talking to you. Congratulations again! Give your family our love!

Jennie said...

Love this post. I love the look on your boys' faces. You did it, you made and I am so happy that you are all together again. We love you guys and miss you like crazy!

Leslie said...

YAY! And congrats on the new little one!

The Ortiz Family said...

I love how strong you are. I am so relived that your husband is home. As a family we prayed for him every day and for all his companions. We love you guys and are happy to see you all together again. I don't know what I would do in your shoes but you are such a great role model and friend.

Cynthia said...

I have been having account problems and we fixed them tonight and I was able to see your pictures tonight and Garrett had to leave so I could "have a good cry on my own." I'm so amazed and grateful for you. You are an incredible person. Thanks for your strength - It is inspiring and I'm so glad you're all back together again and with your darling little girl. We love you.